Care or Scare

Care or Scare

mercredi 22 novembre 2017

Ltt Carlet "Care or Scare" Monday 13th November Improving the quality of life

Care or Scare Monday 13th November Improving the quality of life:
Ltt Carlet – day 1
This morning a big surprise – students from 6 schools in arrival at the Carlet school, an extensive complex of buildings in midst of Orange and khaki plantations. After a short and friendly welcome speech by the school`s principal – a distinguished figure with the air of a successful soccer coach – everybody flocked into the working hall – icebreaking activities to get to know everybody. This was followed by an interesting guided tour through the school, its numerous technological workshops where students were trained as car mechanics, technicians etc. Afterwards time for a mid-morning brunch in the cafeteria – to reload the body exhausted by too much listening and talking in English, a Language which was nobody `s mother tongue after all.
Spirits and bodies refreshed the whole bunch set out for the town centre where the Mayoress of Carlet was already waiting to welcome all the guests. The music, sort of Celtic sounds, gave a somewhat nostàlgic note to the encounter. It quickly became clear that Carlet seldom sees such a motley crowd of people from so many diferent countries. Then the whole group set out for a town walk – to appreciate the many examples of gracious early 20th century architecture.
The Non-Spaniards, by that time, were eagerly awaiting lunch – not being used to such long interlapses between breakfast and midday meal. To the guests`s utter amazement the Carlet school´s principal was to be found with an apron wrapped around his loins – the chef Fideuà cook. This dish is, by and large, a paella with pasta instead rice.
 The afternoon was meant for more academic work. First of all several groups, in turn, attended a presentation by one of the science teachers, the Cyrano project, called like this after the famous long-nosed French poet and minstrel singer. The project itself, though, has nothing whatsoever to do with long noses. Rather it dealt with help for disabled people who, through computer Applications are enabled to transmitter commands and thus make things move in help of their handicap. Like moving roller shutters up and down, zapping through tv channels and operating air condition as well as heating at the exact temperature desired.

In the early evening the students from three countries started giving their talks about their work prepared at home. There was a whole range of topics, from the situation of disabled people at school to the scary significance of modern technologies in literary dystopia, thus providing gloomy pictures of a possible future of mankind. The students were then dismissed home to the human warmth of their Carlet host famílies. Everybody to their individual evening programme covered by the mantle of privacy. At school only the participating teachers remained to complete their Planning of the things to come. 

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